
How to uninstall app properly

We strongly recommend following these 2 steps to uninstall the app properly.

If you've just deleted the app without deactivating, it may still affect the storefront on the product page.

Uninstallation steps (required)

  1. First, deactivate it by simply clicking on Deactivate button,

  2. Then, go to Apps > Vario > Delete.

In case you have accidentally deleted the app without deactivating it, the swatch styles’ hard code might remain on your site.

Here are two ways to troubleshoot the app code removal. This helps remove the Vario’s orphaned code and bring your variant picker back to the previous style right before adding the app.

Method 1: Re-install and uninstall Vario properly

If you’re not familiar with modifying the theme code, please follow this method’s instructions.

  1. Re-install Vario: Please visit Vario by SeedGrow and choose Add app,

  2. From your Shopify admin, go to Vario app > click Deactivate,

  3. Then, simply delete the app and you’re good to go.

Method 2: Manually edit theme code

This method requires manual code editing.

1. Access theme code

From Shopify admin, go to Themes > Current theme > Actions > Edit code.

2. Open theme.liquid file

From the theme directory, click on theme.liquid to open it in the code editor.

3. Remove code snippets

In the theme.liquid code file, scroll down to the closing </head> tag, you will see some code snippets right before it.

Please delete it and then click Save.

The order of these code snippets varies depending on your app installation history. Still, they are adjacent to each other and easy to find.

When you’re done removing the four of those, click Save to finish the uninstallation.

Last updated