
Release notes of EXPO ‑ Extra Product Options

2024-07-10 - version 4.0

  • Improved: Creating extra options will also create new products

  • Improved: Unit quantity

  • Improved: Theme compatibility

  • Improved: UX/UI

  • Removed: Checkout API flow

  • Removed: Multi-currency/multi-language (as Shopify already handles it)

  • Removed: Calculating fee by percentage

  • Removed: Actions' fee update (Price adjustment in the "Actions" tab will no longer update instantly on product page)

2023-08-23 - version 3.3

  • New: Compatible with PageFly

  • Update: Change "Basic" plan to "Plus"

  • Improve: Upgrade badges

2022-11-21 - version 3.2

  • New feature: Zoom image swatches with thumbnail view

  • New feature: Expiring Stock for custom options

2022-10-20 - version 3.1

  • New feature: Import, Export Option sets

  • New feature: Duplicate option

  • New feature: TextArea option type

2022-10-16 - version 3.0

  • New process flow: New variation flow - Complete the checkout by creating a new variant based on what the customer has selected

    • Compatible with other apps for bulk discounts, bundles, dynamic pricing, etc.

    • "Name your price" to allow a customer to enter their desired price

    • "Price formula" to build your own price calculators

  • New feature: Unit quantity for swatches and buttons (multiple select mode)

  • New feature: Export/Import option sets

  • New feature: Custom text for validation alert

  • New feature: Global styles

  • Added: Using app embed to insert EXPO section to product page

  • Improved: User interface

  • Improved: Uninstallation process

2022-9-12 - version 2.2

  • New plan: Free plan is now offered to all stores

2022-3-16 - version 2.0

  • New feature: File upload

  • New feature: Button options

  • New feature: Text input validation (Email, URL, regex, etc.)

  • New feature: Date picker

  • New feature: Time picker

  • New feature: Translate text into different languages

  • New feature: Multi-currency

  • New feature: Edit text/notice in customer's user interface

  • Added: Multi-selectable swatches/buttons

2022-2-14 - version 1.4.1

  • Added: Filter product by tags

  • Added: Sync products button on auto-assign option

  • Fixed: Required field and placeholder

2022-1-21 - version 1.4

  • New feature: Allow action set rename

  • Optimized: Use Checkout API in stead of DraftOrder API

  • Fixed: Discount code on checkout page

  • Fixed: Grouped product item, options, and additional pricing in one item in admin order history

2022-1-5 - version 1.3

  • New feature: Percentage cost type for action sets to help you utilize actions as discount and promotion code box

  • Fixed: Additional description not showing under dropdown list

2021-12-17 - version 1.2

  • Optimized: Tour guide to help first time users easily follow the setup wizard

  • Optimized: Resize custom uploaded images to 120x

  • Fixed: Not processing when product not having EXPO options

2021-12-17 - version 1.1

  • New feature: Add supported currency symbols

  • Fixed: Minor bug in checkout process

2021-12-2 - version 1.0

  • Initial release

Last updated